Key changes to the Sidcup Bowls Club Rules (as approved at the 2022 AGM)
A number of changes were made to the rules (shown in full below) so all members are urged to take the time to read them through. In the event of any problems arising in areas covered by the rules, ignorance of the appropriate rule will not be taken as a defence against any infringement.
The rules are there to protect all members and the Club.
We would highlight the following clauses that directly affect day-to-day issues:
Clause 9(b): From February 2023 the Minutes of the Committee meetings will be published on the notice board in the Pavilion and on the website in the Members Section. They will be published a month in arrears following their approval by the Committee. On the occasion where a matter is covered that is deemed to be confidential, the item will be redacted at the discretion of the Committee. Any member wishing to add an item to the Committee meeting agenda may do so by contacting Brian Henderson on 01322 664214 two days in advance of a Committee meeting that are held on the first Monday of each month (excluding January).
Clause 13: This updates the method used for team selections for major league matches and also the issue of temporary substitutions.
Clause 14(c) iii: Reiterates the requirement that if a player cannot ensure they can attend the Finals weekend then they should not enter Club competitions.
Clause 17(c): Requires players whose style of play is damaging the Green to attend coaching sessions
Clause 17(e) iv/v: States the responsibilities on all members for turning the Fox Fence on and off and also the closing up of the Pavilion.
Clause 18(a)/(b): New guidance on approved clothing and footware.
Clause 18(c): A new clause covering unacceptable behaviour while in the Club
Clause 19: Green fees for visitors and who is responsible for them
Clause 20: Requirement that all new members undertake two coaching sessions before playing in any umbrellas or competitions.
A number of changes were made to the rules (shown in full below) so all members are urged to take the time to read them through. In the event of any problems arising in areas covered by the rules, ignorance of the appropriate rule will not be taken as a defence against any infringement.
The rules are there to protect all members and the Club.
We would highlight the following clauses that directly affect day-to-day issues:
Clause 9(b): From February 2023 the Minutes of the Committee meetings will be published on the notice board in the Pavilion and on the website in the Members Section. They will be published a month in arrears following their approval by the Committee. On the occasion where a matter is covered that is deemed to be confidential, the item will be redacted at the discretion of the Committee. Any member wishing to add an item to the Committee meeting agenda may do so by contacting Brian Henderson on 01322 664214 two days in advance of a Committee meeting that are held on the first Monday of each month (excluding January).
Clause 13: This updates the method used for team selections for major league matches and also the issue of temporary substitutions.
Clause 14(c) iii: Reiterates the requirement that if a player cannot ensure they can attend the Finals weekend then they should not enter Club competitions.
Clause 17(c): Requires players whose style of play is damaging the Green to attend coaching sessions
Clause 17(e) iv/v: States the responsibilities on all members for turning the Fox Fence on and off and also the closing up of the Pavilion.
Clause 18(a)/(b): New guidance on approved clothing and footware.
Clause 18(c): A new clause covering unacceptable behaviour while in the Club
Clause 19: Green fees for visitors and who is responsible for them
Clause 20: Requirement that all new members undertake two coaching sessions before playing in any umbrellas or competitions.
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