Here some useful links for information on the game of bowls plus access to equipment and bowls apparel. Clink on the logo to connect to their website.
Bowls England The governing body for UK bowls. Site contains extensive information on the game. Bowls.org Bowls.co.uk specialises in supplying bowls and related equipment and accessories to a wide range of bowlers and clubs across the United Kingdom. Their website also offers a lot of useful information on the game. John Forsey The local supplier of the full range of Bowls equipment, woods, apparel, and the whole range of bowls accessories. Members of Sidcup Bowls Club get a 5% discount on presentation of the Club membership card. A Beginner's Guide to Lawn Bowls This guide was recommended to us by a young lady called Amelia who found it as part of a session on Lawn Bowling run by a teaching website called Study Map. The tutor, Chloe Pedersen, passed it on to us and we are very happy to include it and to encourage Amelia and her other students to consider actually playing bowls |